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MECO Receives Legacy Award from St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce

MECO is proud to receive the Legacy Award from the St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce. This award is presented to a thriving business that has been in operation for more than two decades and has made a long-term commitment to preserving the integrity and character of St. Tammany Parish. MECO was selected by the St. Tammany Award Selection Committee as the recipient of this prestigious award because it represents the best of what this award stands for.

This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the MECO team, as well as the support of our community. At MECO, we view our work as more than just a job – it’s a calling. As we continue to expand, we are excited to collaborate with others in the community to build a future filled with innovation, teamwork, and shared accomplishments. We are proud of this recognition and look forward to continued success and prosperity in the St. Tammany community.