The MECO Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP)

The MECO Lightweight Water Purifier


Advanced Lightweight Mobile Water Treatment Unit for the US Armed Forces

MECO was awarded a five-year contract to produce Lightweight Water Purifiers (LWP) for the US Army. MECO designed and developed the LWP and subsequently manufactured over 500 units in support of the armed forces’ needs for drinking water. The MECO LWP is the world’s most advanced lightweight mobile water treatment unit. The lightweight water purification system removes nuclear, biological or chemical agents from the water supply, is set up in 45 minutes and operated by one soldier. It can be transported on a HMMWV or in a Blackhawk helicopter and is air transportable and air droppable. The system is capable of operating on highly turbid waters and can treat water contaminated by weapons of mass destruction. MECO LWP units are presently operating throughout the world in support of armed forces and disaster relief.

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